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User Online: 2

Heute: 62
Gestern: 45
Gesamt: 990297

Hits Heute: 119
Hits Gestern: 125
Hits Gesamt: 3991800
Tabulator writes the nickname in the messagebar from the user who has written the last message with your nickname, sends you the last private message or short message, or answer the user who has sent an emergency call (only for cm and admins)
ESC writes the complete nickname to the messagebar if you had written the first letters before
Shift+Tab same function how ESC

Shift+Mouse left Text-Log of the actual window (also WhoIs, /f, /m ...)
Shift+Mouse right copy the clicked word to your messagebar

F1 a quick help overview
F2 edit your profile
F3 show your friendslist
Shift+F3 open your mentorlist
F4 check your /m's
Shift+F4 read your old /m's
F5 writes a message (/m)
F6 open a window to talk with the user who has written the last message
F7 open the profile of the user who has sent you the last private message
F8 ignore the member of the last message
Shift+F8 cancel last ignore
F9 switch to /away-status
F10 show the /info of the actuall channel
F11 list of all chatters in the actuall channel, order by distance
F12 open knuddels-forum

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www.knuddels-guide.de © 2003-2014 Stephan Handke