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Why this page?
For a long year, for my time as family and stammiuser, i was searching for a page with all available functions for this chat, but i found nothing. So i began to search for it my way. I was looking for hundrets of homepages, searched on temporarity chatfiles on my harddisk and read the /news all. After eightteen month the visitors can found on www.knuddels-help.de.tc (after that the link changed to www.knuddels-help.com and today www.knuddels-guide.de) the one and only complete functions guide for the Knuddels.com-communities. 2004 the homepage had 1500 - 2000 visitors per month. Today there are 300-500 visitors per day! Since i start the functions guide with 160 of functions for knuddels, the database reached after two years a size of 200 available functions and macros. Now after four years you can count mor than 250 functions in this complete list. Every good idea of a user and many inovations from the knuddels-leader give every time more and more to grow this page.
with "knuddeling" regards
All databaseparts, images and texts on www.knuddels-guide.de are reserved by copyright (§4(2), §7 and §11 BGB Germany), if not explained otherwise. To copy this homepage in his full size or in pieces are only with available after contact with the autor and setting a link to www.knuddels-guide.de. The link to www.Knuddels-Guide.de musst be insert on top so visitors can see it directly.

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The copyright for the scripts for statistic, Guestbook, News-Script, contactform, Mail-Script and Pollscript are at www.usolved.net.

Domain, Webmaster and Project
Stephan Handke
Josef-Ponten-Straße 2
DE - 40595 Düsseldorf

Knuddels:/m Knuddels-Help
oder /m Ibiz
ICQ: Mein Onlinestatus bei ICQ117-391-371

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www.knuddels-guide.de © 2003-2014 Stephan Handke