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Hits Gesamt: 3991797
Syntax: °[SIZE][COLOR]°[TEXT]

Available sizes: 1 to 300 (min- and maxsize are channel- and statusspecific)

°A° = grey
°B° = blue
°C° = cyan
°D° = darkgrey
°E° = darkgreen
°G° = green
°K° = black
°L° = lightgrey
°M° = violett
°N° = brown
°O° = orange
°P° = pink
°R° = red
°W° = white
°Y° = yellow

°r° = writes in channelown color

°[RED,GREEN,BLUE]° = decimal colorcodes

With °[186,85,211]° for example you geht a nice Knuddelspink

for additional informations visit: www.chatfarben.de

_TEXT_ = TEXT is written bold
"TEXT" = TEXT is written italic
you can combine bold and italic

§ = cancel all designs and color for following letters

# = next line (return)

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www.knuddels-guide.de © 2003-2014 Stephan Handke